I was thinking about Obama’s Nobel. Why? I agree he has talked a lot and brought in change and many a thing. But, it is all in words. He has done nothing till now. But I believe it’s the effect of changing times. Nobody believes in content and substance any more. It’s about how good a marketer you are. How you go ahead and talk.
Look at to-days world of socializing. All the social network sites. You are counted by how many followers you have. How many friend s you have in the list. There is nothing personal. Everything is open for all.
So as much you can brag or talk or update your status that’s what matters. I long for those days of conversation, excitement and personalization of Privacy, Names only you know. But its world sharing all. I would not say I did not try the Facebooks and Orkuts and all, but after initial excitement could see the shallowness of it. I am basically uncomfortable with it. Extremely.
But again this the way of world. If you talk and talk and talk and get connected, in this superficial world, even if you have not walked the talk… You can win a Nobel…
We live in shallow world and there does not exist any desire to actually build some depth today….Levi Strauss is dead and besides Chomsky and Derida I do not see any one with thought alive. In such scenario Obama with his words and no deeds Shines…