Sunday, 18 January 2009

Scribblings on the Pad of Life...

I was just listening to this song from Sound of Music:
These are few of my favourite things.I am just trying to enumerate my favourite things which I have felt and still haunts me:

The Laughter of a Book Unknown...

The early morning walk in Kashmir with naked feet. The dew on my feet. The mist on my face.

Lying down amongst the tall deodar and pine trees in the afternoon and the whole tranquilty and closeness of nature.

Polka dot clothes on bronzed body of my beloved….

The moving image of a five week child in mother’s womb on the grainy screen of ultra sound…

The natural scent of my woman (untarnished by any chemical…)…

The salt of tear on the tip of my tongue…

The cold-warm and sweet water of tons. Gliding in it a boat tugging me along the rapids…

Preciousness of precious

A birthday cake

Kinshuks ride on my back

My sister’s voice

My mom’s secure, warm, loving and all conquering embrace…

Scent of arid clay after first rain…

Beautiful lines of Novels which are just etched in mind…

My brothers letter to me…

Dinesh’s assured presence…

Drink in Amsterdam….

The fateful day of Nathu’sweets…

May and Saturday…

A resort near Gurgaon...

A massage in that resort...

The spray of sea in Pondicherry

A church in Kasauli…

Timmy’s (my dog) nuzzle on my face…

The warm conversations of Munirka in Moonlit nights….

And many more…. This does not follow any sequence or any order of preference… It’s about the things that I remember… Things which fills me with happiness and many a times despair… But are my own..



I have heard this refrain so many times where girls and boys and all the PYT’s and their counterparts have hinged relationships and friendships and all kind of such thing on sharing. It is a word which has been bandied along umpteen numbers of times. But what actually is sharing? Share actually is division of something. My share of the pie. The ubiquitous share of a company which is also called equity.

Sharing also means to partake into, experience, enjoy with others. However when you talk of sharing can you actually do it. Before I doubt on sharing which is followed today, let me tell you what I believe sharing is. Sharing for me is not merely telling anyone about an event or what happened or what you feel. I told you so shared with you!! No sharing for me means communication which is from both the sides. And not just exchange of words but getting involved. Very important sharing involves emotions and total involvement of two people. And sharing to me means fearlessness. Being true that what you have spoken and what you respond won’t affect the relationship. It means freedom where you are free to express your thoughts which would not be construed in any other way. Sharing requires understanding and depth of relationship so strong that it is unbreakable. It requires a strength of character and strong belief in each other. Also assuredness that if someone is feeling bad you have the capability to make them understand and also malleable enough to understand and adapt.

I believe you cannot share with anybody and if you are lucky, with one or two. In today’s world you are diplomatic with everybody. That’s good and should be so. Today sharing in the fast internet world, is like downloading it to someone. The data downloads on the system and it does not respond, at most if it is a file which is pre-programmed to play a song, plays a song. The same happens when you share. I was feeling down and s/he did this to me. The other person listens to it and then plays the expected tune of click-click,very-bad, oh darling this is not fair. Nothing sweet-heart it would all be good and then blah-blah-blah and then bye-bye.

Actual sharing starts after this. Maybe you comfort someone and try to understand from all angles. Have a good conversation and involve all emotions and be fearless to reprimand and be humbled too. Well in today’s world it would actually mean end of sharing. People come to download stuff to you....

Also it’s very difficult to achieve and most important to revive. Recently I was told you can share everything to me but cut out the rancor and complaints and I am ready to share everything. But if I cut my emotions off, if I have to talk with pre-conditions it’s not sharing. It’s all about telling then. But the person whom I shared with everything, I rather be quiet and not go back to telling. I would rather share or keep it to myself.

Anyways I have posted this blog and again believe it’s telling. May become a partial sharing if I get honest opinion of people who read it…..